Friday, September 25, 2009

It Is Only The Begining

Sorry it has taken me so long to update everyone, but I just now have Internet at the Frye's house. My flight went well and so much has happened since I got here. So here are just a few thoughts and things that have happen since I have been here.

I am living with the Fyre's, Ashley Gordon, Ben Mott, and Josh Swank.

The second week that I was her Ashley and I to a near by village and did a VBS and a women’s Bible study.

The Sawyer team came and built a deck, pour half of the foundation for the new barn and did some pluming.

I am learning to find joy in housework.

God is teaching me to be patient and not to have things my way all the time.

I hope to give you a better update soon! I love and miss you all very much! God Bless, Tierney